So this week has been rough for both Noah and I. We've both been under-the-weather, and we've both suffered through whatever it is that we have/had. On Tuesday I left work an hour early because I was feeling so off. I came home took a hot bath, and froze my booty off. I just could not get warm. I was dizzy and felt really sick to my tummy. My body was achey all over, and I had no appetite.
I went to get the boys at Mrs. Julie Butler's house like normal and walked in with my jammies on. Gabe noticed right away. He looked at me like, "what the?" but didn't say a word. Julie asked how I was doing and I said I'd been better but was dealing with whatever it was I had. She mentioned how casual I was dressed, and I told her I was in my jammies. Manny looked at me and said, "Mama, are your jammies really comfortable?" I said, "Yes sweetheart. My jammies are really nice right now." Julie thought that was funny. Manny has such a large vocabulary for such a young feller.
When we got home that night I was taking off my jacket and was moaning so much Gabriel came over by me and asked, "Mom, does your whole body ache?" I said, "Yes sweetie. My arms and shoulders, my tummy, even my hair." He looked at me concerned like and said, "You need to go to the hopsital." I laughed at that one...the hopsital. I corrected him and he said, "Yeah, that's what I said." Too cute.
Yesterday I picked the boys up at Mrs. Julie Butler's house and she was telling me how well they were during the day and that Gabriel and Megan were upstairs playing. And then she said, "Oh, and Gabe and Megan got married today." Ok, so I knew this was coming, but not at age 5! Yep, I knew Gabriel liked her, but please, child, can you wait 20 years! We both had a good laugh at that. Apparently Megan had on her dance dress and a ring and told Julie that she can Gabe got married. I would love to have been a fly on the wall for that play time!
When we got home, Noah pulled in right behind us. We were shocked he got out of work early, but we were also very excited. We got in the house and ate our dinner and then when the boys were done, we sat and watch The Travel Channel. I said to Gabriel, "Tell Papa what you did today at Mrs. Julie Butler's house." He sorta looked embarrassed and said, "We played marry." Noah said, "You played what?" And again Gabe looked kind of nervous and embarrassed and said, "No we played Wedding." I laughed and told Noah, who was still a little confused that he and Megan got married. He laughed too.
Then tonight when I got home from work, Gabriel came and sat next to me on the couch. We were talking and then all of a sudden he started to hiccup. I scared him a little to see if that would help stop his hiccups, and he laughed at me. He kept hiccuping, and said sweetly, "Jesus has the hiccups." He had his hand over his heart. You see, Jesus lives in our hearts and when Gabriel has the hiccups, so does Jesus.

I bought a printer/scanner combo this weekend so I can share some of the pictures I couldn't otherwise share. I really missed not having a scanner. Now I can scan and print and do all sorts of stuff. I'm gonna torture all of you with pictures and stuff. This aughta be fun!
Ok, so back to the funnies...
Tonight we ate at Harry's for dinner. As most of you know Harry's is our favorite place to eat. We eat there at least once a week. If we miss a week, we get Harry withdrawal. It was the first place Noah and I went when we got back from Vegas! Finally a Coke...
Anyway there is always fighting as to who Mama should sit next to. Tonight it was Manny's turn, so I sat across the table from Gabriel, who just recently learned how to wink. What a ham! So I leave you with this video of Gabe winking at me at Harry's. Oh yeah, and Kim, Gabriel loves "ferch fish". We know it as Perch. That's what he ordered tonight. Cleaned his plate...then he ordered a ganoli...or as we know it a canolli.
YES! I am rolling on the floor, or at least my version of it! Wow, so much has happened since we last spoke, like now you have a daughter-in-law.
The video is just a hoot! Gabe, a man after my own heart with the perch, and winking eyes. How did you ever get such cute kids?
I am going to put on my comfie pajamas, too! Good night!
Love, Kim
What a way to start my day. With laughs and a few tears. Evertime I see those boys I fall in love with them all over again. I got teary eyed at church when Gabe went up for the children's sermon by himself. They are growing up so fast. Congratulations mother of the groom!
Please write another posting! I need it!
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