Sunday, January 25, 2009
Bad things happen to good people...
For those of you who don't know, two years ago, if I remember correctly it was in the fall, Tim (my boss) kept going outside on a Friday afternoon. I commented to Gene that I thought Tim wasn't feeling very well. Being a man and very stubborn, he wouldn't say a word to either of us, so we just assumed all was OK. Gene just thought because it was a semi-nice day that Tim just wanted to be outside rather than stuck inside. I just felt something was wrong.
Well come to find out that the following day he had died on us...not once, but twice. The Lord sought fit to bring him back to all of those who love him so dearly. He was diagnosed with what Tim calls an ELECTRICAL MALFUNCTION. He has a sort of "short" in his heart. Apparently it forgets to beat. So he has a pace maker.
The day he came back to work, I went up to him and gave him a big hug and then slapped him upside the head for not saying anything about feeling the way he did that Friday before. MEN, I tell you!
This year he had a test done that showed a shadow. So his doctor showed another doctor, and now on Friday Tim has to go and have some exploratory surgery. Of coarse, he's real calm about the whole thing. I'm freaking out. I can't imagine how is wife is dealing with it. My prayers are with Tim and his family. Please keep him in your prayers also.
Then on Friday I walked into the office and said my usual good mornings and said, "So, is Tim at a fire?" (Tim is also a volunteer fire fighter!) Gene said, "Yeah, he just left not too long ago. When he left they said the garage was on fire. Now the news radio is saying it's spread to the house." My first thought was, "Oh those poor people."
I went on about my morning trying to get most of my W-2s and monthly books finished to concentrate more on training my new employee. Tim had an appointment at 11:30 and it was getting close to that time. The phone rang and I got a message in e-mail at the same time. Tim was on the phone, and Vickie had e-mailed me. Tim was stuck at the fire yet, so I had to review the return with his client. While talking with Tim I was reading this e-mail:
hey- if you hear about house fire in Sheboygan on lisa ave..that's ryan's family....they're all ok
This gave me chills. Tim was fighting a fire of someone I knew! And from what Tim said, it didn't sound good. So my brain went to work thinking of how I could help. Hey, they have no food. So I made chicken noodle soup and bought some dinner rolls they can eat...comfort food.
Gabriel and I drove by the house yesterday, and it gave me water eyes. There's not a whole lot left to the house, or the truck that was parked in the driveway. So they lost just about everything. The Lord was watching over them though. Nobody was hurt!
Ryan called me yesterday to thank me for what I was doing. He questions my "love" for him from time to time. He's asked Vickie a few times if I like him or not. I only have a problem with him should he hurt my sister! I think this shows him that I do love him and I do care about him and his family. (But that is not why I did this.) He was almost in tears when he left me a thank you message in my voicemail. That made me feel so amazing. Something as little as a pot of soup can make a family cry! (And I don't even know if the soup tastes good or not!)
We had Movie Day at church today. Every Sunday after service the parents of the Sunday Schoolers meet in church with their children for pre-devotion. Today we had a quick opening, and Mrs. Ristow had a parent go up front and put on a backpack. Then she asked all the kids what kinds of burdens sinners carry around with them. With every burden mentioned, Mrs. Ristow would put a rock into the backpack. This "presentation" was soooo hitting home, it gave me water eyes. The theme of the day, "Lay Down Your Burdens". At the end of putting in all the rocks, the helper was given a present. She opened the box and inside was a cross.
Just the sight of that little cross, opened my eyes to see that yeah, my burdens are heavy, but Jesus is there to help through them all. It's human nature to still feel worried and helpless at times, but I keep it in my head that I'm not alone in all of this...Jesus is there with me.
God bless you all! Have a great week.
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
Out of the mouth of a five year old...
Saturday morning Emmanuel came in my room and said, "Mama, I need a tissue." So I reached over on my nightstand and grabbed a tissue. He took it said thanks and went back to his bed. A few minutes later he was back in my room kind of whining/crying. He said, "Mama, I have gross on my face." I rolled over and could see something on his face. I got up and took him into a better lighted area. At closer look the poor guy was covered in blood. His face, hair, and hands. I flipped. I ran him into the bathroom for even a better look. He looked closer and saw all the blood and began to shake like crazy. I grabbed a washcloth and made in nice and warm to wash his face to see if he'd cut himself, or if I could find a gash or something on his head. After cleaning his face up, I noticed blood dripping from his nose. Thank God it was just a nose bleed. But so much blood! I couldn't believe it. His blanket was covered with it too.
I was in shock. I felt sick to my stomach, and just wanted the whole ordeal to be over. We ran a nice warm back, and put Manny in the water. (The bathtub and his bed are his comfort places when he's sick or hurt.) This gave me the opportunity to catch my breath and try to calm myself down.
After his bath, I put him in clean jammies, and sent him off to bed again. By this time Gabriel was up. I was so tired from lack of sleep the night before, I just wanted to go back to bed. I put in a movie, and the boys watch while I tried to sleep. For two hours it was nice and quiet. The boys just stayed in their room while I napped. They are so sweet.
I have to tell you how Gabriel tells the story of Emmanuel's ordeal...
"...He was getting a lot warmer. And he was getting a lot drier. And the elecfricity (electricity) from the plug made bleed come out of his nose. He was sleeping. Now we have the water to never make his nose bleed again..."
It's very dry in our house, so that explains the drier part of the story, but where the child gets the idea of a plug up his nose I'll never understand. Every time he tells the story, I have to turn my head and chuckle. The expressions this child makes when he's tell it is so cute.
Well, I need to go to bed now. I'd like to be to work by 7:30 tomorrow morning to get stuff caught up. I really hate Januaries at work. It's the worst month for me.
Good night to you all!
Monday, January 19, 2009
Where were you...
Where were you eight years ago today?
Why eight years ago you ask? It's not an easy number to remember such as 5, 10, or even 20 years. How would you remember what went on or where you were on such an odd year? Well, for me eight years ago today was a very sad emotional day. Never in my life did I think I'd feel so many different emotions.
Eight years ago today my entire family and I were in Florida to say good bye to a very dear loved one. It was eight years ago today that we laid to rest the one person who we didn't think would pass at such an early age. We were all at the funeral of my four year old cousin, Timothy Charles Day. What made the whole event even more trying was that today is his birthday. We buried a five year old little boy. I have a five year old, and I can't even imagine what it's like. Every year it's the same sad feeling I get when I think of how awful it was the night I received the horrible call. "We lost Timmy tonight."
Kim always knows just the right thing to say at just the right time. The Lord may have taken Timmy from her, but He blessed her with the gift to comfort others in times of sorrow. I feel that to be a bitter sweet blessing.
I remember when Vickie and I took our girl's vacation and we stopped by to visit Timmy's resting place. Vickie's mother had just passed away a few weeks prior to our trip. All of us were standing by Timmy's grave crying for different people. Kim knew just what to say then too. Mom passed away while sitting at the dinning room table getting ready to eat a meatloaf sandwich. Kim put her arm around Vickie and said, "Your mom prayed, "Come, Lord Jesus" and this time he came." Oh how true. Vickie told me that night, "I never thought of it that way. That makes me feel better."
Kim wrote in her blog today about people saying, "Get over it." or "You need to move on." What kind of words are these. To me they are a slap in the face. You never fully get over losing a loved one. They are always in your heart and memories. I remember the Friday before Timmy passed, I talked with him on the phone, and he sang to me. He sang "Who Let the Dogs Out". I used to think it was a stupid song. Now it's a treasure I'll never (get over) or forget. There are just things that you can't move on from. Yeah, it's been a whole eight years, but it's going to take forever and back to GET OVER IT. Never once has anyone said that to me, instead, only word of encouragement. I've had a few downer days this last week, and there are several quotes I'd like to share from people who tried to comfort me. Each quote shows that yeah, it's bitter sweet that we lost a loved one, but look where he is now...PARADISE!
"It comforts me to know that the last 8 years have been much better for Timmy than it has for us. It's sad we didn't get to see him grow up but we will see him again. I wonder if he will be the same age or if you age in heaven?"
"Chin up, he's in heaven smiling down. We should all be so lucky."
Some day we will be so lucky! I'm so looking forward to being up there and seeing what it looks like sitting on Jesus' lap. Of course, I have the manners to not tug on His beard!
Because Timmy was called home at such an early age, Kim has had the opportunity to "counsel" other families who have lost children. The Lord has blessed her with the gift to console. She went through the pain and sorrow of losing a child, but she can feel the joy of helping others to overcome their sadness in times of grief. What a blessing that is for all those she consoles. And my family and I are blessed that we have such a strong caring individual who shares her story to help others.
We don't keep stories of Timmy to ourselves in the Ellison household. We talk about our cousin quite a bit. We want our boys to know what kind of a loving and happy child Timmy was. Gabe asks questions about him once in awhile. "Is Timmy the boy by Jesus?" "Timmy is in heaven with Jesus, right mom?" I only wish they could have met the boisterous little guy we were able to love and adore for five years. I also have the poppyseed donut in the face to remember him by! For those of you who were there you know the laugh we had.
Good night to you all and God bless you!
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
Long time no write....
Our favorite resort was Caesars Palace. It was a completely different world in there. Gorgeous decor and the statues were amazing. My next favorite was The Venetian. If that's what Italy is like I wanna go! Walking inside the hotel was like walking outside. The ceilings were painted with clouds.
They also had so many different sites to see inside the hotel. The mall was amazing. There were "opera" singers, and even live statues. I was flirting with him the day we were set to leave. He really played with the audience. People would walk up and try and touch him, and he'd slowly move and scare them so bad. One older woman screamed and ran! I sat and laughed. He looked over at me and winked at me. And all he worked for were tips! Made some good money that day!

After Danny it was Donnie's turn to come over to our side of the stage. He's the biggest flirt of the band. Everyone, and I mean everyone loves Donnie. Well, I can be a flirt too, so I thought "How can I get his attention?" I put two fingers together and did a little wave. I can remember thinking "No way...did he just do that? Did he just wave back with two fingers? Did he just blow me a kiss?" What a night to remember! I don't usually get all excited about celebrities, but there is just something about Danny (and Donnie) that makes me want to scream. I have a teenage crush on a 40 year old man and I'm proud of it!

Chris, Marjorie's husband commented the night of the St. Louis concert that when Marjorie and I are together, we act like big kids...isn't that what sisters should do? He thought it was cool how well we got along and how it was like was all have known each other our whole lives. What scare is Edward, my brother, and I are almost identical in likes and dislikes.