In August Noah and I took the boys to see Kim Kim in Florida. We had invited the Grandmas to join us. Only Grandma Lynn was able to come along. We got there on a Saturday afternoon, and it was so humid I thought Noah was going to die. But the more time we spent outside, the better he was with it. We joined Kim at little church and talked with some people I hadn't seen in two or three years. It was nice to see them again. I even met her Pastor Cookie (Kuske). Our pastor's name is also Kuske...they are distant cousins.
That afternoon, Kim held a little pool party for us. All my "Good" Florida friends showed up. It really made me feel special to have all these loved ones show up just for me! Even if it was for only an you know who you are!
It did rain for a little bit during our pool party, so we moved it up to the Castle Day and chatted and ate and just enjoyed the company. It was wonderful to see everyone again. Miss them all so much.
Monday we drove to Orlando to see Tinkerbell...oh wait, that was for me. We drove to Orlando to see Mickey Mouse. Yeah that's it. We were about an hour out when we hit "Tropical Storm Faye". I've never driven through rain like that before. It was torturous. We made it to the hotel, but it was later than we expected, so we talked it out and decided to stay and extra day. We bought two day park hopper passes. The boys loved Disney World.
Our first day there, we hit Pirates of the Caribbean. Gabe loved it. Manny wasn't too sure. We had to coax him to even walk into the front door. But once we were done with the ride, he couldn't stop talking about it. To this day the two of them talk about Disney World.
Manny's favorite ride was It's a Small World. He went on that four times. He's so into music, so this was the perfect ride for him. After Pirates, he was unsure of the whole boat thing, but if we could have, we would have stayed on that boat all day and gone around and around.
We got back to Kim's around 6 or so on Tuesday evening and the night was just gorgeous. The sun was out and the wind was nice. It's what you expect Florida to humid and tropical. Then that b*tch Faye followed us. Thursday morning the heavens opened, and it rained and rained and rained. The wind was so strong it was knocking over trees and street signs. Even the stores in the mall were closing.
I felt like we needed to build an ark. It rained until the day we left. Then the clouds cleared again. Just our luck. We had an enjoyable time, but we just wish that it wasn't so wet! Oh I did get to say hello to Billy Powell from Lynard Skynard. I waved and said hello to him and his wife...she's not at all what I pictured her to look like.
In September I had my 16th class reunion. Man I'm gettin' old. It was 16 years because there are not enough people from class who are interested in keeping in touch with me...well, each other. I saw people I haven't seen in 16 years. One of which was Steve Potthast. Wow! What a handsome guy he turned into. Vickie met up with us that night and she too was quite impressed with the little guy her brother used to wrestle in high school. I used to be the same height as he, but boy grew. I had to look up at him. We exchanged e-mail addresses, and have been talking since the reunion. He and his wife just had their first son on December 26th. What a wonderful Christmas gift that must have been.
In October, Noah and I took the honeymoon we never really had. We did exactly what Bush wanted us to do with our Stimulus Payment. We spent Las Vegas! OMG did we have a blast. Thanks to my loving, kind, generous, gracious mother, we were alone. She watched the boys for us while we were gone. It was very hard for me to leave them that long. I'd never done that before. It was so nice though to not have to worry about anyone but us.
I have a new favorite place to visit now...sorry Kim...I still love Florida, but nothing beats Vegas, baby. We were amazed at all the different architecture and all the different kinds of people. I was so impressed at how clean the strip was...except for those stupid clickers...that's what we called them. They were men (very few women) handing out little cards with half naked women on them. They were soliciting women! Is that legal? Oh yeah, we were in's legal there.
These people really annoyed me. I'd be walking on the side of the sidewalk they were standing on and they would lean across me to hand the cards to Noah. I was getting so angry with them, I said to one of them, "If he wanted one, he'd ask for one." Noah said to me, "I don't think they understand you. They're probably all illegal immigrants working for cash." I would guess that 99.9% of these bozos were Hispanics. We did see a Caucasian handing them out too, so I asked him (jokingly), "Where do I find the cards with men on them." He just looked at me and said nothing. Geeze, you'd think I'd killed someone with the look he gave me. It was only a joke!
Our favorite resort was Caesars Palace. It was a completely different world in there. Gorgeous decor and the statues were amazing. My next favorite was The Venetian. If that's what Italy is like I wanna go! Walking inside the hotel was like walking outside. The ceilings were painted with clouds.
They also had so many different sites to see inside the hotel. The mall was amazing. There were "opera" singers, and even live statues. I was flirting with him the day we were set to leave. He really played with the audience. People would walk up and try and touch him, and he'd slowly move and scare them so bad. One older woman screamed and ran! I sat and laughed. He looked over at me and winked at me. And all he worked for were tips! Made some good money that day!
We are talking about going back soon. There is too much to see and not enou
gh time to see it all. We did go to a magic show on our anniversary. The only show left in Vegas with Big Cats. It was amazing. We had our picture taken there. This is my most favorite picture of the two of us. We saw it, and said that's the one. We had five or six to choose from, but this one just popped out at us. After the show we went to the Mirage, and had dinner at this place called Sambas. It was a Brazilian restaurant. I've never had a steak like the one I ordered there. It was delicious. I so want to go back there. And let me tell you about my Brazilian Punch. It tasted just like fruit punch...and it punched me right out! It was three or four different kinds of rum, with a splash of pineapple and orange juice served in a fish bowl. It was very big and very yummy!
It was one of the best vacation I've had in a very long time. And there was no rain! It was just cold. While we were they, they had below average temps!
Ok, so the week after we got back from Vegas, my sister Marjorie and I had plans to see one of our favorite groups in concert. She came up from St. Louis and stayed with us for a few days. The day she got here, I left work early, and we hit Harry's Diner for some supper. We got to the concert an hour early which gave us enough time to grab some souvenirs and a drink. I never had to go to the bathroom so bad in my life. The line was so long. I had my stuff opened and was ready for the next stall to open. The people behind me just laughed.
Well, being that Marjorie and I didn't know each other even existed back in the day, we were unable to share their first round of fatuousness. When there was word out about a reunion tour, I thought what a perfect way to share a part of what we missed out on. We went to see THE NEW KIDS ON THE BLOCK. I was a huge fan back in the day, but not so much anymore. I'm now a DANNY WOOD fan. After the group split in the early '90s, I tried to keep up with Danny. He did some acting, but his love was in music. He grew up quite a bit since the first round of did he grow up.
Yeah, we were so close to the stage we could see perfectly. AMAZING! Marjorie had so much fun that night. She looked into the concert in St. Louis. They were there three weeks after the Milwaukee show. Yep were were there too...same seat we had in Milwaukee...what are the chances of that?
Being that I believe Danny to be my future husband...Noah laughs at that...I made a sweatshirt I was going to wear to the St. Louis show. I thought I'd get his attention one way or another...there was no way I was going to throw my bra or panties on stage...he'd run the other way! No, I made this sweatshirt. When Danny went solo, he had green buttons that said NEED WOOD on them. Well, I couldn't find a button, even if I did, he never would have seen the tiny thing. So I made a "billboard" out of this sweatshirt. Received at least 5 compliments on it from other fans.
The show started, and knowing what songs came when and when each band member would be on our side of the stage, I knew when to hold up my worked...he saw me...he knows I exists! It helped too that I posted a comment on his Myspace page that told him where I'd be sitting and what to look for....he really reads that stuff!
Anyway, he made his way over to us, and I held up the shirt and
he looked right at me, gave me a thumbs up waved and smiled at still my heart. That made my day. Marjorie took this picture of him just before he did that! See how close we were? And look at that man's body...hello! Noah told me to get a After Danny it was Donnie's turn to come over to our side of the stage. He's the biggest flirt of the band. Everyone, and I mean everyone loves Donnie. Well, I can be a flirt too, so I thought "How can I get his attention?" I put two fingers together and did a little wave. I can remember thinking "No way...did he just do that? Did he just wave back with two fingers? Did he just blow me a kiss?" What a night to remember! I don't usually get all excited about celebrities, but there is just something about Danny (and Donnie) that makes me want to scream. I have a teenage crush on a 40 year old man and I'm proud of it!
This is me and my sister, Marjorie just before the concert started. Do you think we look alike? We don't see it, but everyone asked if we were sister? Chris, Marjorie's husband commented the night of the St. Louis concert that when Marjorie and I are together, we act like big kids...isn't that what sisters should do? He thought it was cool how well we got along and how it was like was all have known each other our whole lives. What scare is Edward, my brother, and I are almost identical in likes and dislikes.I'm so glad we found each other. We needed each other. And I have a niece and two nephews I never thought I'd have. Yay!
So after the concerts, there was a pretty quiet month (November). Not a whole lot happened in this month. Gabe had Christmas rehearsals for two Christmas programs he was in. Oh where did the time go? I can't believe my little Gaby Baby is five already. So sad. We always tease him and turn off his growing switch. He laughs and says, I turned it back on! For his five year check up, I was talking with (his friend) Dr. Trager and he looked at the chart and saw Gabe was in the 80% of height and 90% of his weight compared to other children his age. Dr. Trager said to me, "You are going to have one solid child when he's older." I looked at him and said laughing, "I already do!" I can't lift him anymore. He's almost 55 lbs! That's a lot of dead weight to lift.
December came and along with it came the snow. Our first major storm we got 10 inches of snow. I was going outside that night after the boys were sleeping to snow blow, and the stupid thing broke on me...I used every word in the book that night I was so mad! In the morning I got up and started to shovel that was wet and heavy. Noah got up early that morning, and fixed the snow blower for me and finished up the driveway so I could get to work. Yeah, gotta love winter...NOT!
Since that storm, we've used the snow blower 5 more times. When is this winter gonna end?
For Gabe's Christmas service at Calvary, our home church, my whole family was supposed to come down to see him. Kim Kim in Florida was even here for it. At 7:30 or so my phone rang. It was Kim crying because they were not able to make it due to the blasted snow. A half hour later, my mama called and it was just like talking to Kim...tears were flowing and she was quite angry with the weather.
It just so happened that Vickie and Ryan and their kids were in town for Ryan's family Christmas, so they spent the night at our house. They got up on that frigid morning, and went to church with us. I was so happy that Vickie could see her godchild in his first Christmas program.
1 comment:
Hi Lisa!
Finally, another posting! And your timing was perfect because it warmed my heart to read your stories and tie me again to my family this sad week.
Like I told Noah a couple times, the wretched weather we had in December more than made up for the TS Faye you guys experienced when down here! Thank the Lord for the dvd of Gabe, and I posted his picture in a picture on my blogsite!
If you loved Las Vegas, you'll also love New York City if you ever get there....but my feelings are dinged by your choice of favorite places!
Love and hugs and smiles,
Kim Kim in Florida
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