Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Conversation with a 4-year old...

"Mama, I'm thinking."

"What are you thinking about?"

"Really cool video games."

"Oh, yeah. Which ones are those?"

"Tanks, Mario Cart, and Star Warses. They're the coolest. I like the other one too, but those are my favoritest. This is the darkest day."

"It sure is. The sun hasn't been out much today, has it? It's been quite dreary all day long, and it's going to be the same way again tomorrow."

"Yeah, it's very nasty out today."

We drove a little bit more when Gabe spoke us again...

"I'm thinking again, Mama."

"Yeah, what are you thinking about now?"

"Games again."

End of conversation.

Isn't it amazing what a little guy can think of? How much he can tell you? Where does this stuff come from? Having conversations like this with my children really makes me feel blessed to be a mom. Just out of the blue he'll say something to me that surprises me, and makes me feel all giddy inside.

Last night I moved Gabriel's bed into Emmanuel's room. Before I had Gabe's bed put together in Manny's room, Manny was sleeping. I'm surprised he slept through all the banging, and hammering Gabe was doing. He was pretending to be Bob the Builder. Such an imagination this kid has.

When I woke up this morning, there they both were snuggled tight in their own beds. How cute. Tonight I need to rearrange it though. It's a little cluttered right now. We're going to move all the toys into Gabe's (now old) room so there is more room both upstairs and downstairs.

Since Gabe is now in the "underwater" themed room, he wants a shark bed. So now I have to look for a bedspread with sharks on it. Great. That should be easy. NOT! I looked for over 2 hours last night to find one, just to price it. No sharks...lots of dolphins, but no sharks.

Last night we had tuna helper for dinner with mushrooms and peas in it. Both boys just love that kind of stuff. I served it with nice warm Pillsbury biscuits with strawberry jelly on. Oh what a fantastic meal. While Gabriel was taking a spoonful of tuna helper he looked at me and said, "This was a sweet idea for supper." Where does he come up with these things.

OK, Brewers are on. Gotta go. Take me out to the ball game!


Kim Lahaie Day said...

Thank God for blogs! You have a way to preserve their passing thoughts and comversations for all time. Unfortunately I've forgotten many of my "Justinisms", and hope someone else remembers them for me!

You are a sweet idea Mama!

Anonymous said...

Lisa I too am glad that you are able to keep these memories. I like Kim have forgotten more about Jamie and dan's younger years. A few things do stick with me but not as many as I would like.