For those of you who don't know, we do not have a home phone anymore. I called AT&T two weeks ago to have our home phone (land line) disconnected. The first person I spoke with was a VERY pushing lady who insisted that I keep my home phone. I argued with her that I only made 19 calls last month. Is that worth $38 a month? After 20 minutes of arguing, she FINALLY transferred me to the department I needed. I spoke with this very helpful gentleman (or so I thought). We spent a half hour on the phone. He told me that on June 19th between the hours of 8 a.m. & 8 p.m. our phone would be disconnected followed my our Internet. On Friday June 20th the Internet would be turned back on between the hours of 8 a.m. & 8 p.m. He gave me instructions on what to do when it came back up. I thought what a nice guy. He only gave me these instructions because I mentioned that my aunt works for AT&T.
Friday came around, and no Internet. So I called to find our what was up. The first guy I talked to was asking me questions about my modem and what lights where on. I said, "I don't know, I'm upstairs. My kids are in the tub, and the main computer is down stairs. Why do you need to know this?"
"Ma'am, in order to help you, I need to know this information."
"Listen, I can't leave my children alone. I just want to know what is going on with my Internet service. I was told that by 8 p.m. tonight my service would be restored. If I worked at home, this would be a day and a half without service. Who is going to make this time up for me?"
"I'm sorry, let me transfer you."
"Thank you."
So now I'm on hold. And I get this very pleasant young man, Jason. He asks for my 10 digit account number. He enters it and asks me to repeat it. He said he couldn't find this number. I told him the whole story and asked if my old home number might help him. He tried that number and then said, "Ma'am, I see the disconnection notice, but no reconnection order. Unfortunately, the department that handles these requests is closed in your area. Let me give you some numbers to call and resolve this problem."
Great. More numbers.
I got up in the morning and called the number that Jason gave me. I was dropped twice. The last time I was dropped "Madeline" had asked for the number I was calling from in case we lost connection. I'm still waiting for her to call me back! She put me on hold for 10 minutes. All I kept hearing was..."Please continue to hold." After awhile I didn't hear this anymore. I looked at my phone and it said dropped call. WHAT!!??
I was getting so angry. I called on Sunday just to see if someone would be there to help me. After talking with silicone Sam I hear, "I'm sorry. This department is closed. Please call back during regular business hours." I went in by Noah and said, "Their closed." Surprised he said, "It took 10 minutes to find that out?"
I was irate by this time. I finally called Kerry, my hero. She took the information that was given to me. It took 4 or 5 people to discover that the account number given to me did not exist. Thursday morning I received a call from Stacy. She said she was very sorry for this mix up. It was not my fault. There was nothing else to do but put in a new order to reconnect my Internet. She said she would work on it until it was completed. She also gave me a free month! I should be hooked up by July 2nd. Two weeks without Internet service. Noah is going bizzurk!
So you're wondering then how I'm able to post a blog? We're sitting at Lori's house right now and I'm leaching off their wireless Internet. We came for the BLUFF VIEW JAM. Gabe walked up to Lori and asked, "Where's the party?" He's so fun!
Well, with having no Internet, I was able to pull myself away from the computer, and work on the boy's bedroom wall. I have to say...AWESOME!
Last weekend we went "nude". For those of you who don't know Lisaisms that means we went to the zoo. We had a blast. Enjoy the new pictures on the side of the posts.
Well, dinners almost ready. David is making steaks on the grill.Tootles.