Towards the end of the day, I walked into Gene's office, and tugged on his shirt sleeve and said, "This is a topping." He looked at me like I was a freak...I am at times, but this time I was being serious. He said, "A what?" I said, "A topping." Again, a little more confused he said, "What is a topping?" So I told him this story...
Last night I gave the boys a bath. They played outside barefoot, and smelled really bad of "boy sweat", so they both agreed to a nice, relaxing bubble bath. Before we got them into the tub, I gave Gabriel his jammies to put on my bed so they were ready to put on when he got out of the bathtub. He got undressed and went potties...must always make water before getting into the tub, or "Mama will be disappointed in me if I made water in the water." Before he got in, I asked him where his jammies were. He didn't know. He retraced his steps, and couldn't find them. I told him to get into the tub, and I would look for them. I looked all over and couldn't find them. Then decided to ripped the blankets down off his bed...there they were! Why he put them there I will never understand. I put them on the bed and went into the bathroom to scrub the boys. As I was getting Gabriel out, he asked me, "Mom, did you find my topping?" Not understanding him I asked him to repeat himself. Again he asked, "Did you find my topping?" I picked up his jammies off my bed to get them ready for him to put on while I got Manny out of the bathtub, and he said with great joy, "You found it!" So now I know what a topping's a shirt! Dah!
Gene found this to be quite a comical story. So now he's calling his shirt a topping too.
When I picked the boys up tonight at Paula's house, she wasn't feeling very well, and she said that Manny arrived feeling a little under the weather, too. I decided to make some Cars Chicken Noodle Soup. Manny ate really well. Ate all his soup, a piece of garlic bread and all his jello. He asked for more milk, and then went into the living room, grabbed a blanket, and fell asleep on the couch.
Poor little fella. I felt so bad for him. I picked him up and took him up to bed. Changed his diaper and put nice warm footed pjs on him and he fell right back to sleep. I hope he feels better in the morning. Gabe wasn't feeling too well this morning either. I think it has to do with the weather. It was in the lower 80s yesterday, and today we reached 50! As Gabe would say...WHAT THE?
Before I left work Tim said we were under a frost advisory. Mom is under a freeze warning. I had to bring all my beautiful flowers inside, so they wouldn't die on me. WHERE OH WHERE IS SPRING?One more story before I go. On Sunday morning I was getting Gabriel ready for church, when I looked at his door and saw this little thing he made at school. I asked him if Mrs. Porter let him pick out the stickers to put on it or if she just gave him the stickers to put on the paper. "Oh no. Mrs. Porter let us pick out the stickers we liked." I asked him if he knew which one was my favorite. He didn't know. I said, "My favorite is the Jesus sticker." He looked at me with this big brown eyes and replied, "Mine too. He lives in my heart." Oh how very true! Then this morning when I got to work, I received this e-mail from both Kim and Mama. How perfect. Enjoy!**********************************************************************************
A nurse on the pediatric ward, before listening to the little ones chests, would plug the stethoscope into their ears and let them listen to their own hearts. Their eyes would always light up with awe, but she never got a response equal to four-year old David's comment. Gently she tucked the stethoscope into his ears and placed the disk over his heart. "Listen", she said......."What do you suppose that is?" He drew his eyebrows together in a puzzled line and looked up as if lost in the mystery of the strange tap - tap - tapping deep in his chest. Then his face broke out in a wondrous grin and he asked, "Is that Jesus knocking?" **********************************************************************************
Time for bed. Good night, I love you, sweet dreams, and a BIG squeeze. (We say this every night before we go to sleep.)
I say again: You are such a good Mama!!!!
Did you have a chance to read that posting that Jami, my new friend, put up? I did a cut/paste to my blog. She talks about me in her blog!
Yes I did watch the videos. They were amazing. Gave me water eyes.
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